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Barth Frankenberry Jr - Principal Agent/Owner

Barth joined in the insurance Industry in 2004, starting as a career Agent for a local Insurance Company.  Moving into management after 2 1/2 years as a top performing agent. Leading several teams of agents to develop the skills necessary to lead successful careers in the insurance industry. 


I love helping people save money on their insurance by educating on how Medicare works  and what their options are.


When not helping Medicare Beneficiaries Barth likes to spending time with his family, traveling, hunting, and fishing. 

Sonya Morgan - Licensed Insurance Broker

Sonya started with our Agency in August of 2016.


She has served in many roles including Office administration, Medicare Billing specialist, and now serves as a  Licensed Insurance Broker helping clients Make Medicare Simple one question at a time.  


Sonya has become a huge part of what makes our agency Great!

Sonya serves Allegany, Washington, Garrett, Bedford counties.  



But her heart is serving Mineral County where she calls home.




Michelle Nies - Office Lead Administrative Assitant

Michelle has worked with FIG since September of 2022.


Michelle provides administrative support 3 days a week.











Shannon Frankenberry - Human Resources / Event Management

Shannon started with FIG in October of 2020.  


Shannon is our Human Resource Director. 


Shannon also provides logistical support for Company meetings and events






